Sunday, July 15, 2007


The one thing you can't predict is when and how love simply happens between individuals. When friends fall in love, it could be the start of a wonderful relationship or it could spell disaster too...esp. when they happen to be committed elsewhere already *sigh*... the lines below simply try and capture the frame of mind of someone caught in a similar situation...

Every time I pull you close
you walk
away ...
This is no game
that you and I
play ...

With words we weave
our own magical
tales ...

Solace we find in
each other
when all else
fails ...

We live
We play
with each other
 We give
We pray
for one another

Imagination takes us
to a different
place ...

The truth hits hard
the truth we...
you and I
must face...

We lay bare
our hearts...
Yet we can't help 
but care...
for others

We walk apart
with nothing
in our heart...

A wicked world
A cursed word
Is this it?
Is this really?
The End.

1 comment:

  1. hi there!

    just wanna've got a gift of creative writing mam..

    Keep up de gud work!

    Take care..cheers :o)



Being Me...

I find myself swinging.  Not on a playground swing.  Not high on dope. But on life.  Swinging into extremes... One minute I ...